Still Growing

Still Growing
reuse, rework, redefine

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hi all, its been a little while since I last posted. The garden is continuing to do well, but the freeze the week of Thanksgiving, took out my bellpeppers, eggplant and beans while I was away for the holiday. And oh yeah, my heading lettuce has bolted. Not too disappointed though. There's only so much that one can eat.
I've gotten a year older and was gifted with this awesome gardening flower pot. The gnome is so cute, but unfortunatey it scares our miniture dashund. But, the up side is that I now use the gnome to guard the christmas presents under the tree to keep the dog from chewing on the boxes.
I have been looking at seed catalogs to see what i will plant this spring, right now my "wants" are greater than my budget. Not to worry though where there's a will there is a way. see ya'll later and happy gardening.

1 comment:

  1. I am about to start trying to get my grass to grow. I plan to finally call country extension tomorrow and see what they suggest about this clay dirt that I have. Do you know of any good sites that are helpful and do you have any suggestions. Also when should you start back watering the grass?
