This is the tale of a garden in north florida, about using native and friendly plants with all the challanges of gardening in zone 9.
Still Growing
reuse, rework, redefine
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Vegetable update
All is well in the fall garden. Having some problems with some bug eating the leaves of my bush beans, but otherwise all is ok. The bell peppers are fruiting like crazy and the single eggplant is well on it's way to maturity.
The Patio tomato has 8 fruit on it now, I can't wait to eat them. The tomato on the left seeded itself from last season's variety. I belive this is purple prince or something similiar, can't really remember. It's like christmas, can't wait to see what it will be.
Can't wait for the Mustards to be ready, they are growing by leaps and bounds leaving the two variety's of collards in the dust. I wonder if it would be tasty to mix the mustards, kale and swiss chard? Probably not, just thinking about it. Also got new plants of parsley (can't find my seeds), purple basil (can't find my seeds) and cilantro (didn't have seeds for this). While walking past the front garden, I noticed that my Thyme plant is now dead. After four years of living in one spot, I moved it and it died. Sorry to see it go, but this is an opertunity to try something new.
Happy Gardening!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Vegetables, Vegetables, Vegetables
Good Evening all. It has been a busy start to the fall gardening season. This year i decided to repurpose the dogs swimming pool, after extensive cleaning of course. I planted it with purple kohlrabi, bulldog collards, rainbow swiss chard, and kale. I can't wait for everything to get big enough to eat.
In this bed I mixed in a heading lettuce with bell peppers, eggplant, and jalepeno peppers. These few hot pepper plants have produced quite a bounty of peppers. I am also growing a patio tomato plant that I can move indoors with the nights get to cool.
Lastly this bed contains mustard greens, georgia hybrid collards and garden bush beans. The carrots aren't up yet. I am so looking forward to the season. But on a side note, my mallow finally bloomed, it's late but it is here. By the end of the day it was completely pink.
Happy Gardening.
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